Saturday, November 15, 2008

LA smells like a bonfire.

Had to go into work today. Trying to stay ahead on this show before it gets mixed on tuesday. Tons of computer problems. So the combination of being nervous about being behind on work, about computer problems/virus problems, about the fires that are raging to the northwest and also the east, and also about being in a little tiny edit bay with no windows while all this is going on made me really want to get out of there. So I put my session on a hard drive I happened to have with me and headed home. as soon as I got out into the lobby i noticed that the smell was for real. it honestly smells like wood and smoke, all the way from Studio City to Los Feliz. And I also noticed that in the headlight of my motorcycle there was visible ash falling all that way as well.

Why do we live here again? Was it the fires or the earthquakes? And how dumb am I that I haven't bought renter's insurance yet?

Life's good. Spread a little thin. But still truckin'.

For those keeping up with my media projects, this is my most ambitious derby video so far:

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