Monday, September 15, 2008

Mixed Signal to Noise Ratio

The job situation.

The lead mixer at my workplace is picky. He mixes most of the network shows that we do, and a fair amount of the feature films as well. He demands a level of quality in the editorial that is sometimes difficult to meet in the time allotted for our shows. We are, after all, in a low-margin, high-volume, fast-turnaround niche at my workplace.
The dialog editor that was working on his shows before was moved into mixing, and I took his place. I did American Gladiators and a show called Wipeout for him, and both those seasons are over, so at the moment I have a more steady operation going, two days of editing dialog for Survivor and two days on a show called Thirteen (hasn't aired yet).
But here is where things get tricky: my supervisor and friend Vince was given a new set of responsibilities, pulling him more into technical operations and supervising the bigger picture of workflow in the facility and less direct supervision of our editorial staff. So someone needed to fill in that role. Guess who? They asked me if I was interested and, knowing that for a couple of specific reasons, money is pretty tight around there, I entered into a meeting with the CFO with three (3) ideas of incentives that they could offer me to compensate for more responsibility:

1.) More money (makes the most sense, but due to some troubles with the Employment Development Department of California, not that viable right now for my employer)
2.) Guaranteed 40 hours per week
3.) And official job title of some sort, i.e. Supervising Sound Editor, to bolster the resume.

I somehow found myself in this conversation where the CFO would speak about how it was "more responsi-" and then catch himself and say "different responsibility", where he flat out said that I deserved more money but that they couldn't afford it right now, he shrugged off the notion that a job title could be important, since we're all just getting the job done, and he said that he can't make guarantees in this business. What I didn't understand was why he wasn't willing be straight up with me about the more/different responsibility issue, but he was willing to flat out say that I deserved more money. If I had managed to come up with a good-natured way of saying "So, you are saying that you want me to do extra supervisory work with no incentive or compensation whatsoever?", I would have. As it stands, I am apparently a spineless pushover, because what I said was "Alright, let's give it a shot", in part because I didn't want to make it seem like I'm not a Team Player, willing to rise to the occasion and settle up on compensation later. The claim is that in around 60 days they will have paid off some retroactive fees to EDD and will be able to give some modest raises to the handful of people who have been asking for them for months. As long as I'm on that list, I guess it'll work out.

Except there is still the issue that I have 9 hours of editing to do 4 days a week, and my new responsibilities keep me tied up talking to clients and coordinating with our editors during many portions of the day so I almost always have to stay late to finish my work. And the overtime is NOT smiled upon. I'm not totally sure what to do. At least Survivor looks like it's going to be pretty good again this season.


I have been making an effort to overcome social anxiety and go hang out even when it makes me kind of nervous. There was a fundraising event last night for one of the roller derby teams to get new uniforms, so I figured I would go throw them a few bucks. A great local band, Jail Weddings, played. I managed to mingle some and socialize. But the best part may have been the ride there and back. The event was way north of downtown, pretty much a straight shot down Riverside from my new apartment, and that's a great ride on a bicycle, but since the event was late and I had an early-morning Boot Camp to get to, I took the motorcycle. Hell Yes. Riverside has curves, long stretches of uninterrupted road, decent views, and this one bridge where ivy is hanging down about 40 feet from an overpass. Perfect. Then on the way home I made a wrong turn and had to go downtown and then take Sunset, which is usually irritating because of traffic lights, but in this case I hit every green light from Broadway to Hillhurst. Somehow.

It's really those small things.

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