Monday, November 26, 2007

Roots, or at least an anchor.

Hey, look, I have a blog.

It seems like the job in Boston isn't going to pan out anytime soon. Still a possiblity, but it's a lot closer to the horizon than to me. I think I have internalized this fact and I'm ready to actually live in Los Angeles, commit to finding things here that I consider part of my life, instead of letting this feel like yet another temporary station.

So let's make a list of what I need to do:

-find a food co-op here and join it. (probably won't find one downtown)

-make a map with the local farmers' markets and mark a calendar.

-get a membership to second-run and older movie theaters.

-make friends. (yikes)

-go to shows.

-find a good bike shop.

-build a loft in my room.

-ship my records out here and buy a record player.

-learn Spanish.

Any other suggestions? What things make up a life?


brette said...
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brette said...

That's a good list. I suggest that you add checking out coffee shops and places to go hiking and swimming to that list.